Fish Creek Personal-Use Sockeye Fishery Opening

Photo by Tom Reale.

Palmer) – The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has met the escapement goal for the Fish Creek sockeye salmon run and is projecting a run in excess of 35,000 fish; therefore, ADF&G is opening the Fish Creek Personal Use Dipnet Fishery. Effective 6:00 a.m. Tuesday, July 24 though 11:00 p.m. Tuesday July 31, 2018, dipnetting for salmon, except king salmon, will be allowed only between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. each day. Any king salmon caught must be released immediately. Dipnetters may harvest salmon of the shore or a boat from the ADF&G markers located on both sides of the boundary of Fish Creek, upstream to ADF&G regulatory markers located approximately one-quarter mile upstream from Knik-Goose Bay Road.

This dipnet fishery is in conjunction with the Kenai and Kasilof rivers, and the total salmon household limits applies to a combination from all three fisheries. A 2018 Upper Cook Inlet dipnet permit and a resident sport fishing license is required and must be on you while dipnetting. Only Alaska residents may participate in this fishery. NO RETENTION of king salmon is allowed. Dip net permits are available at local ADF&G offices, ADF&G online store, and at participating vendors. Only one Upper Cook Inlet Personal Use permit is allowed per household and permits will not be reissued for a household that has already returned its permit to ADF&G.

ADF&G reminds dipnetters to please stay off private property. The majority of property adjacent to Fish Creek downstream of the Knik-Goose Bay Road Bridge is privately owned. All of the property south of Fish Creek along Knik Arm is privately owned. Dipnetters trespassing across private property may be subject to a fine. Respect “no trespassing” signs. Permission to use private uplands for any reason must be obtained from the land owner. When accessing the mouth of Fish Creek, legal access is restricted to below the mean high tide line. Remember, all-terrain vehicles (four-wheelers) are not allowed in creeks or adjacent creekside property without a habitat permit. There is no launch for trailered boats from Knik-Goose Bay Rd. The nearest public boat launch for trailered boats is the Ship Creek boat launch in Anchorage. Dipnetters are advised to use extreme caution when fishing lower Fish Creek due to high tides and muddy conditions.

Dipnetters are reminded to review the Fisk Creek dip net regulations on page 15 of the 2018 Southcentral Alaska Sport Fishing Regulations Summary booklet.

For additional information, please contact the ADF&G Palmer Office at (907) 746-6300.