Elk Hunting Permits Available For Afognak Island Opportunities
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

Afognak Island Elk Registration Permits to be Available in Port Lions and Ouzinkie
(Kodiak) – Regulatory changes adopted by the Board of Game in March of 2023 have resulted in changes to elk hunting opportunities for Alaska resident hunters in the Unit 8 Remainder and East Afognak Island hunt areas. Beginning in the fall of 2024, a portion of the hunting opportunity previously provided through Drawing permit hunts administered in these areas will instead be provided through a limited number of registration permits, which will only be available in person and only in the villages of Port Lions and Ouzinkie.
This regulatory change has resulted in the creation of registration elk hunts RE752 and RE756.
- Registration hunt RE752 will be open September 25-October 22, 2024, in the East Afognak Island hunt area with a bag limit of one (1) elk.
- Registration hunt RE756 will be open September 25-October 22, 2024, in the Unit 8 Remainder hunt area with a bag limit of one (1) elk.A limited number of registration permits will be issued for these hunts on a first-come-first-served basis as follows:
- Four (4) permits for registration hunt RE752 and four (4) permits for registration hunt RE756 will be available in the Native Village of Port Lions Tribal Conference Room (2006 Airport Rd, Port Lions, AK 99550) beginning at 9:00 a.m. (AKST) Friday September 20, 2024.
- Four (4) permits for registration hunt RE752 and four (4) permits for registration hunt RE756 will be available at the Native Village of Ouzinkie Cultural Center (214 Third St, Ouzinkie, AK 99644) beginning at 9:00 a.m. (AKST), Friday September 20, 2024.
Division of Wildlife Conservation Ryan Scott, Director
Region II, Kodiak Area Office 351 Research Court
Kodiak, AK 99615-7400
Alaska Department of Fish and Game Doug Vincent-Lang, Commissioner
PO Box 115526 Juneau, AK 99811-5526 www.adfg.alaska.gov
A department representative from the Kodiak ADF&G office will be present in each community to issue the permits. If travel to these communities is delayed due to unforeseen circumstances, such as weather, the date permits are available will be rescheduled to the next available business day.
To receive a permit, you must be an eligible Alaska resident hunter 10 years of age or older at the start of the hunt. Alaska resident hunters 18 years of age and older must possess a valid Alaska big game hunting license at the time of permit issuance. Please refer to the 2024-2025 Alaska Hunting Regulations for residency and licensing requirements. Hunters may possess RE752 OR RE756, but not both, only one (1) permit may be issued per hunter.