Elk Hunters Reach Harvest Goal, Prompting Partial Closure On Afognak Island Hunt
A Portion of Registration Elk Hunt RE755 Will Close Early
(Kodiak) – Elk hunters on Afognak Island have been successful and reached established harvest objectives in much of the RE755 registration permit hunt area. Consequently, elk hunting by registration permit RE755 in a portion of the Unit 8 Remainder hunt area will close by emergency order on Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. The closed area includes that portion of the Unit 8 Remainder hunt area on Afognak Island south and east of the Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge boundary from Paramanof Bay to Waterfall Lake and a line extending from Waterfall Lake (58° 21.04’ N. lat.,152° 32.9’ W. long.) to the head of Little Waterfall Bay (58° 23.5’ N. lat.,152° 29.9’ W. long.).
Elk on Afognak Island are managed using established harvest guidelines for individual herds and a 10 percent harvest objective for the overall elk population. A harvest objective of 33 elk was established for this portion of the hunt area and as of October 29, the combined harvest of elk from drawing and registration permit hunts administered in the area was 35 elk. The harvest objective for the area has been exceeded and no further harvest is warranted.
This closure is in addition to areas previously not opened for the RE755 registration permit hunt this year due to hunter success during the earlier drawing and registration permit seasons. These portions of the RE755 hunt area will remain closed; Southwest Afognak, that portion of Afognak Island and adjacent islands south and west of a line from the head of Back Bay (58° 05.3’ N. lat.,152° 45.7’ W. long.) to Hatchery Peak (58° 07.2’ N. lat., 152° 47.5’ W. long.) to the head of Malina Bay (58° 09.3’ N. lat., 152° 51.0’ W. long.), Eastern Afognak, that portion of Afognak Island east of the main north-south logging road (1100 Road) from Danger Bay logging camp (58° 08.2’ N. lat., 152° 32.9’ W. long.) north to its terminus at Discoverer Bay (58° 19.6’ N. lat., 152° 21.8’ W. long.) and that portion of the Unit 8 Remainder hunt area east of a line from the head of Danger Bay (58° 13.29’ N lat., 152° 34.61’ W long.) to the head of Delphin Bay (58° 19.96’ N lat., 152° 28.78’ W long.).
Registration hunts for elk of either sex in the remaining portion of the RE755 hunt area will remain open through November 30, 2024 unless closed by emergency order. Kodiak, Ban and Shuyak islands remain open.
Elk hunting on Raspberry Island is restricted to hunters with drawing and registration permits for the hunt area (DE702, DE704, DE706 and RE706) and remain unaffected by this emergency order closure. Permits for
RE755 are available in person at Kodiak, Anchorage, Palmer, Soldotna, Fairbanks, and Homer ADF&G offices. Detailed maps are available at the Alaska Department of Fish and Game office in Kodiak.