Youth-Only Eklutna Tailrace Coho Fishery Set For Aug. 17
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
(Palmer) – The 2019 Eklutna Tailrace Coho Salmon Youth-Only Fishery will take place from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, August 17, 2019. The Eklutna Tailrace Youth-Only Fishery allows anglers 15 years and younger to fish from the confluence with the Knik River upstream to the pedestrian bridge. The Eklutna Tailrace is located at mile 3.5 on the Old Glenn Highway. Sections dedicated to this Youth-Only fishing are closed to anglers 16 years and up, including catch-and-release, but the remainder of the Tailrace will be open to fishing for anglers of all ages.
“We encourage adults to bring young anglers out to the Eklutna Tailrace on Saturday to give them a shot at catching coho salmon,” stated Assistant Area Management Biologist Samantha Oslund.
Remember, youth anglers do not need a sport fishing license. Anglers are allowed to use bait and multiple hooks, meaning no more than two single hooks or two treble hooks per line. While adults may assist youth anglers with baiting a hook, casting, and landing a fish, youth anglers need to set the hook themselves. The daily bag and possession limit is three coho salmon.
For additional information, please review page 40 of the 2019 Southcentral Alaska Sport Fishing Regulations Summary booklet or contact the ADF&G Palmer office at (907) 746-6300.