Dolly Varden Fishing Ramping Up In Petersburg-Area Creeks

Dolly Varden should be readily available to target in creeks around Petersburg. USFWS Photo credit: V.Orange

The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

Petersburg Fishing Report

May 10, 2024


The steelhead fishing season has now peaked and is beginning to wind down. Opportunity still exists and should continue through the next few weeks. The rain that began this week is exactly what the fish needed. Steelhead are now dispersed throughout the systems instead of being held up in only the deep holes. The month of May can on occasion offer that beautiful balance of finding the remaining steelhead while fishing in in warmer weather than the colder month of April.

Dolly Varden and Trout

Dolly Varden and trout will are now abundant throughout the creeks. With lighter tackle, the spring offers a good time to seek these fish without having to deal with pink salmon in the streams. I have been hearing reports of nice cutthroat being caught throughout the area. Dolly Varden are both in the stream and the saltwater where they can be caught from shore, boat, or dock.

King Salmon

The vast majority of marine waters in the Petersburg/Wrangell area are currently closed to king salmon retention. Opportunity to harvest king salmon will be available in areas where Alaska hatchery produced king salmon will be returning beginning June 1, 2024. Advisory Announcements for individual hatcheries are available on our website. Remember that a king salmon stamp is required whenever fishing for king salmon (including catch and release).


Halibut can be targeted this time of year and anglers. The sport fishery is open February 1 – December 31, 2024. Reminder: Filleting halibut: No person shall possess on board a vessel, including charter vessels and pleasure craft used for fishing, halibut that have been filleted, mutilated, or otherwise disfigured in any manner, except that each halibut may be cut into no more than 2 ventral pieces, 2 dorsal pieces, and 2 cheek pieces, with enough skin on each piece to identify whether the piece is from the light side or the dark side of the fish.


Sport fishing for lingcod is currently closed in all Southeast Alaska waters but will open on May 16. Nonresident bag and possession limits have changed since last year. Limits: 1 per day, 1 in possession; 30-35 inches or 55 inches and longer. There is an annual limit of 2 fish, 1 of which is 30-35 inches in length, and 1 that is 55 inches or greater in length, harvest record is required. Alaskan Resident bag and possession remain – 1 daily, 2 in possession, no size limit.


Rockfish regulations have remained in place since the last fishing season. Pelagic rockfish regulations remain the same with a daily bag limit of 5 and possession limit of 10 in the Petersburg, Wrangell, and Kake area. Slope and demersal shelf rockfish species both have a daily bag limit of one fish and possession limit of 2 for Alaska residents. Demersal shelf rockfish are closed to retention for nonresidents anglers and yelloweye are closed to retention for all anglers. A helpful species identification guide has been published on the ADFG website. Anglers are reminded that a rockfish release device is now required to be used whenever releasing rockfish and a rockfish release device must be onboard your vessel whenever sport fishing in marine waters.