Denali National Park Wolverine Takes A Swipe At Trail Camera

Wolverines are pretty bad ass, and this guy in Alaska’s Denali National Park showed off how fierce they are. Here’s the above Facebook post from Denali NP:

Closer…closer…CHOMP! and gone…

When was the last time you saw a picture of the inside of a wolverine’s mouth? This blurry self-portrait was taken when a wolverine investigated a trail camera in Denali National Park and Preserve. The elusive wolverine is famed for its toughness and ferocity, but wolverines have a softer side too. In the past it was assumed that wolverines were almost completely solitary, but studies have shown that this is not the case. After leaving their mother, juvenile wolverines will sometimes spend time traveling with their father.

This potentially helps the young wolverines improve their foraging skills. Remaining in their father’s territory also gives young wolverines a safe place to learn and grow before striking out on their own. Imagine what else is yet to be discovered about the amazing wild animals we share the world with. Trail cameras are just one tool that gives us a brief glimpse into their lives – and mouths!

Here are some of the national park’s photos, including an extreme close-up.

National Park Service photos