Delta Junction-area Caribou Hunt (Macomb) To Close A Day Early
The following press release is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
Macomb Caribou Season to Close One Day Early
(DELTA JUNCTION) – Hunters planning to pursue the Macomb caribou herd during the motorized portion of the hunt under an RC835 permit are advised that the hunt will close at 11:59 p.m. on August 26.
Current surveys show the population of the herd is on the lower end of the Intensive Management Objective for this herd which is 600–800 animals. A harvest quota of 30 bull caribou allows for some sustainable harvest, particularly for subsistence needs that are identified in regulation, while ensuring the conservation of this small resident herd during a low phase in population size.
“We know many people look forward to the two days of motorized hunting in the Delta Controlled Use Area for the Macomb herd, however, with a dip in the population, and therefore a reduced harvest quota, that unfortunately will not be possible this year,” said Area Biologist, Bob Schmidt.
Harvest of Macomb caribou herd has been steady since hunting opened on August 10th, and we expect to meet the harvest quota of 30 bulls by the end of the day Monday, which will allow one day of hunting in the DCUA when motorized restrictions are lifted at 12:01 a.m. August 26th.
Successful hunters must report within two days of the kill on the internet at http://hunt.alaska.gov, or in person, or by phone to the ADF&G office in Delta Junction (895-4484). Hunters who report by phone are reminded they must still report online, or return hard copy permits to an ADF&G office within 15 days of the close of the season. Unsuccessful hunters must return their reports to an ADF&G office or report online at http://hunt.alaska.gov within 15 days of the close of the season.
Hunters are urged to obtain a receipt when they turn in their hunt reports or to mail them by delivery confirmation receipt. Permit holders who fail to report will not be allowed to obtain registration, drawing, or Tier I and II permits next year, and may be cited for a violation of the Alaska hunting regulations.
The Macomb caribou herd’s range occurs the eastern Alaska Range between Delta River and Yerrick Creek south of the Alaska Highway. Since the early 1970s, the herd’s numbers have ranged from 350 to around 1,800 animals. Today the Macomb herd is managed for a fall population of 600-800 with a sustainable harvest of 30-70 caribou.
Contact: Bob Schmidt, Delta Area Biologist, (907) 895-4484, bob.schmidt@alaska.gov