Delta Clearwater Drainage Closing For Coho Sportfishing
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
(Fairbanks) – The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is closing the Delta Clearwater River, including the Delta Clearwater Lake, to sport fishing for coho salmon effective 12:01 a.m. Saturday, October 17, 2020. Additionally, only unbaited, single-hook, artificial lures may be used.
The Delta Clearwater River coho salmon sport fishery is managed using inseason escapement data. The fishery management objective is to achieve an escapement within the Sustainable Escapement Goal (SEG) range of 5,200 – 17,000 fish. Escapement is monitored from late September through November 1, when peak counts have historically occurred.
Based on preliminary survey counts in an 8-mile index area of the Delta Clearwater River, the coho salmon run is projected to not achieve the lower end of the SEG. The index survey conducted from the Delta Clearwater River boat launch down to Mile 0 on Tuesday October 14 was 1,286 fish. This number is below what is to be expected given that mid-October is typically the midpoint of the run. Therefore, a closure of the coho salmon sport fishery is warranted to help achieve spawning escapement.
For additional information contact Heather Scannell, Tanana Area Management Biologist, (907) 459-7357.