Coho Limits Reduced In Prince William Sound, Resurrection Bay
The following press releases are courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
Prince William Sound Coho Salmon Limits Reduced
(Anchorage) – Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is reducing the bag and possession limit for coho salmon to a bag and possession limit of one, effective 12:01 a.m. Saturday, August 24 through Tuesday, December 31, 2024 in the Prince William Sound waters excluding the Whittier, Cordova, Valdez, and Chenega Terminal Harvest Areas. For maps of these areas and additional Prince William Sound sport fishing regulations, please review pages 76-79 of the Southcentral sport fishing regulation summary booklet.
“Coho salmon runs appear to be below average. While these fish could be returning later than normal to the area, there are no assessment projects in the area to better inform the performance of these fish and therefore it is necessary to implement restrictions to reduce harvest for future coho salmon runs”, stated Anchorage Area Management Biologist Brittany Blain-Roth.
Bag and possession limits in Whittier, Cordova, and Chenega will remain the same at 6 salmon per day and 12 in possession, of which all can be coho salmon while the remainder of the Prince William Sound (salt and fresh waters) will have a bag and possession limit of 6 salmon, of which only one per day and in possession may be coho salmon. Emergency Order 2-SS-6-52-24 went into effect on Monday, August 19 reducing the bag limit for coho salmon to 3 per day and 6 in possession in the Valdez Terminal Harvest Area. These emergency orders do not affect bag and possession limits in the Copper River Delta streams in Cordova.
For additional information, please contact Brittany Blain-Roth at (907) 267-2186.
Resurrection Bay (Seward Area) Coho Salmon Restrictions
(Anchorage)– The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is reducing the bag and possession limit for coho salmon in the North Gulf Coast Management Area effective 12:01 a.m. Saturday, August 24 through 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, December 31, 2024. The bag and possession limits for salmon, excluding king salmon are as follows:
- North Gulf Coast (Salt and fresh waters from Gore Point to Cape Fairfield and salt waters south of a line between Cape Resurrection and Aialik Cape, not including Resurrection Bay): 6 salmon per day, 6 in possession, of which only one may be coho salmon;
- Resurrection Bay Terminal Harvest Area (north of a line from Aialik Cape and Cape Resurrection): 6 salmon per day and in possession, of which only 3 per day and 3 in possession may be a coho salmon;
- Freshwaters open to salmon fishing in the Resurrection Bay drainage: 3 salmon per day and in possession, of which only 1 may be a coho salmon.
Based on the performance indicators of freshwater and saltwater sport fisheries throughout Southcentral Alaska, this year’s coho salmon run appears to be returning below average. Restrictions or closures have already been issued for the Northern Cook Inlet area, Anchorage Bowl Area, and the Valdez Terminal Harvest area in Prince William Sound. There are no escapement goals for any coho salmon stocks on the Kenai Peninsula; however, coho salmon are only monitored through the Bear Creek Weir in Seward. It is too early in the run to determine if enough coho salmon will return to Bear Creek to support broodstock goals. Given the lack of information and the fishery performance indicators, a precautionary approach is warranted for the remainder of the coho salmon run.
In conjunction with this emergency order, the department has also issued emergency orders for the Kenai Peninsula fresh and salt waters and the Prince William Sound salt waters. Please review emergency orders and advisory announcements in their entirety for the specific regulatory changes.
For additional information, please contact North Gulf Coast Area Management Biologist Brittany Blain-Roth at (907) 267-2186.