Coho Limit Down To One Fish On Little Susitna River
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
(Palmer) – The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is reducing the bag and possession limit for coho salmon, 16 inches or greater in length, from two to one fish per day in the waters of the Little Susitna River from its mouth upstream to the Parks Highway bridge. The one fish coho salmon bag limit is in combination with the current limits for pink, chum, and sockeye salmon which is three salmon, other than king salmon, per day and in possession.
The reduced bag and possession limit goes into effect 12:01 a.m. Thursday, August 13, 2020. Anglers are reminded that after taking a bag limit of salmon in these waters, a person may not sport fish that same day for any species of fish in the Little Susitna River downstream of the Parks Highway.
The Little Susitna River coho salmon sustainable escapement goal (SEG) is 9,200 – 17,700 fish. Recent daily weir counts are well below average. As of August 11, 2020, only 3,250 coho salmon had passed upstream of the weir and the escapement is currently projected to be 7,400 fish. At this time, it is justified to slow the harvest of coho salmon at the Little Susitna River until the run can be further assessed to ensure the SEG is met.
ADF&G will continue to monitor the Little Susitna River coho salmon run as it develops. If run strength improves to a level that can support a larger harvest, restrictions to the sport fishery may be rescinded. However, additional restrictions are possible if the run does not improve.
For additional information, please contact Area Management Biologist Sam Ivey at (907) 746-6300.