Board Of Fisheries’ Zoom Meeting Set For Jan. 25
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ALASKA BOARD OF FISHERIES The Alaska Board of Fisheries (board) is holding a special meeting beginning at 1:00p.m., January 25, 2021, through the web conferencing platform Zoom. At its October 2020 work session, the board rescheduled its previously postponed Prince William Sound Finfish and Shellfish, and Southeast and Yakutat Finfish and Shellfish meetings to March 30-April 5, 2021 and April 17-29, 2021, respectively. It maintained the same dates for the Statewide All Shellfish meeting of March 5-10, 2021. Given the unpredictable nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, the board planned to revisit whether to conduct in-person meetings at least a month prior to the shellfish meeting following the receipt of information from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game and other agencies. At this special meeting, the board will again address the issue of conducting its meetings in-person, via web conference, or postponing further. No regulatory action will be taken. Information provided to the Joint Board committee at a January 19, 2021 meeting will be made available. Additional agenda topics may include, an update on COVID-19 cases in Alaska and the statewide vaccination allocation plan, current health alert status of communities where meeting will be held and the alert status’s impact on in-person meetings, which, if any, 2020/2021 proposals must be taken up prior to June 30, 2021, how board meetings would be conducted over web conferencing, legal requirements for conducting web conference regulatory meetings, scenarios for postponing meetings, and other items related to the board’s meetings. To facilitate the discussion, the board is requesting written public comments on meeting agenda items. Comments related to these agenda items submitted to the boards for consideration at previous board meetings this cycle will be included in the meeting materials and need not be resubmitted. Tentative agenda items include, whether to conduct some or all of the regulatory meetings through web conferencing, which of the current 2020/2021 proposals are urgent to address prior to June 30, 2021, what criteria the board should consider if it chooses to address some 2020/2021 proposals through web conference, should meetings be postponed until the 2021/2022 meeting cycle, and if meetings are postponed what are the impacts on the public for the current and future cycles? Written comments are due by Wednesday, January 20, 2021. Additional comments may be mailed to: Boards Support Section, P.O. Box 115526, Juneau, AK 99811-5526, emailed to dfg.bof.comments@alaska.gov, entered on the Board’s main webpage at www.boardoffisheries.adfg.alaska.gov, or faxed to: (907) 465-6094. This meeting is open to the public. A live audio stream is intended to be available on the board’s website at www.boardoffisheries.adfg.alaska.gov where the interested public may also view the meeting in a live format. The agenda and any other meeting documents, will be available prior to the meeting on the board’s meeting information webpage at http://www.adfg.alaska.gov/index.cfm?adfg=fisheriesboard.meetinginfo If you are a person with a disability who needs a special accommodation to participate in these public meetings, please contact the Boards Support Section at (907) 465-4110 by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 19, 2021, to make any necessary arrangements. For more information about the meeting, contact Glenn Haight at 465-6095. |