Black Bear Was Killed, Transported Illegally By Florida Man On Kenai Peninsula
The term “Florida man” has become a bit of a punch line in social media circles. So here’s an other Florida man headline: a bear was killed illegally on the Kenai Peninsula and a – you guessed it – Florida man was fined $8,000 and put on probation for it. Here’s KTVA TV with more:
James L. Connolly, 63, of St. Petersburg, Florida, shot and killed the bear in the Skilak Wildlife Recreation Area in May 2018, according to a news release from the U.S. Attorney in the District of Alaska. The area is closed to all hunting and trapping.
After killing the bear, Connolly transported it to a tannery in California, which ultimately shipped it to Connolly in Florida.
Witnesses reported seeing the remains of a black bear near Skilak Lake Loop Road and others said Connolly told them he’d recently shot and killed a black bear in the area.