April 25 Is New Scheduled Date For Homer King Salmon Tournament

I’ve been out of the office for a week, so apologies for the delay in posting the change in the Homer Winter King Salmon Tournament. Here’s the Homer Chamber of Commerce with more on the new date:

In consultation with a variety of community stakeholders including the City of Homer, South Peninsula Hospital, the charter fishing community and the Tournament Committee, the Homer Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors has made the decision to move the date of the Homer Winter King Salmon Tournament to Saturday, April 25th.
This was not an easy decision, but was made in order to encourage community safety and social distancing as recommended by the CDC. This will allow us to continue this popular event with community safeguards in place to support the reduction of the spread of COVID-19 virus. We will continue to monitor this rapidly evolving situation going forward.
A postponement at this time allows for better planning and safe event. We understand this decision may complicate plans to participate in this tournament, which is why we are working hard to accommodate the various needs.. 
For updates. please refer to our website www.homeralaska.org, and follow our Facebook page, Homer Winter King Salmon Tournament.