Alaska U.S. House Hopefuls Weigh In On Tongass, Pebble Mine, ANWR Drilling
With several candidates entering their hats in the ring for late Rep. Don Young’s seat in the U.S. House, they were asked via email about various Alaska environmental issues, including the Pebble Mine project and drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Here are some of the higher-profile candidates answers from Alaska Public Media, which also asked about the controversial Ambler Road project and the possibility of Roadless Rule protections taken away in Tongass National Forest:
Do you want to see … (Please answer yes or no. If needed, add an explanation of no more than 10 words.)
- Oil development on the Coastal Plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge?
- Development of the Pebble Mine?
- A road built to serve the Ambler Mining District?
- The Roadless Rule apply to the Tongass National Forest?
Nick Begich (R):
ANWR? “Yes”
Pebble? “A scientific, lawful, and comprehensive process must determine this outcome.”
Ambler Road? “Yes”
Roadless Rule? “No”
Al Gross (nonpartisan):
ANWR? “Yes. I support environmentally responsible development of the 1002.”
Pebble? “No. Wrong mine, wrong place. I support EPA 404c protections.”
Ambler Road? “Yes. I support responsible resource development that has local community support.”
Roadless Rule? “No.Tongass exemption will help build a sustainable economy in Southeast.”
Sarah Palin (R):
Pebble? “If the science proves it safe, build the mine.”
Ambler Road? “YES.”
Roadless Rule? “NO.”