Alaska Site Among EPA Pollution Funding Grants
The following press release is courtesy of the Environmental Protection Agency:
Seattle (October 16, 2018) – The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently awarded $450,000 in pollution prevention grant funds to local projects in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.
“EPA supports and encourages Pollution Prevention through grant funding because it works,” said Chris Hladick, EPA Region 10 Administrator in Seattle. “Projects like these have demonstrated that we can reduce pollution and water use while saving energy, conserving raw materials and improving businesses’ bottom line.”
Pollution Prevention (P2) means reducing or eliminating pollutants from entering any waste stream or otherwise being released into the environment prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal. All grant awards will support the delivery of P2 technical assistance and/or training for businesses, and the identification, development, documentation and sharing of P2 best management practices and innovations.
Here are some “snapshots” of interesting programs and projects that have been awarded two-year funding across the region:
In Idaho ($75,117) Idaho projects will provide technical assistance to businesses in Idaho in support of all three P2 National Emphasis Areas. The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) will partner with Idaho Tech Help on a Lean Six Sigma “Green the Green Belt” course for food manufacturers, evaluate safer solvents, and provide outreach on choosing safer chemicals. Other outreach will include technical assistance to businesses to reduce the use of hazardous air pollutants in coatings, cleaners, and degreasers. (Contact: Ben Jarvis/208-373-0146)
In Alaska ($118,860)- The Knik Tribal Council Alaska will receive $118,860 to partner with the Alaska Forum to advance and sustain pollution prevention activities and source reduction efforts in Alaska. Technical assistance and training will be provided by the Green Star® Award and Certification Program. (Contact: Kurt Eilo/907-230-9805)
In Oregon ($99,539) – The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s Oregon Pollution Prevention (P2) and Toxics Reduction Program will use this funding to assist three pollution prevention projects that are already underway:
1) Partner with Oregon Sea Grant to deliver an internship program placing 14 paid students with businesses to conduct on-site P2 research;
2) Train Oregon agency staff and businesses on assessing and selecting safer alternatives and green chemistry approaches, and support regional chemical alternatives assessment pilot projects for priority chemicals and industry sectors through the Safer Chemical Alternatives Training and Assessment Pilots; and,
3) Design Phase I of a “Toxics Reduction Outreach Initiative for Metal Finishing, Coating and Manufacturing” program that will identify chemical and process alternatives and promote source reduction within the sector. The project will also target reductions in use and emissions of chemicals listed in 2014 Toxics Substances Control Act (TSCA) Work Plan and DEQ Toxics Strategy Focus chemicals. (Contact: Lisa Cox/503-229-5181)
In Washington ($157,284) – Washington Department of Ecology’s project provides training to businesses in multiple states on safer chemicals through an OSHA/Ecology collaboration. It will support the use of chemical hazard assessments in advising businesses and promote the use of Safer Choice products. Opportunities at businesses for pollution prevention will be identified during “kata” lean training and its implementation as well as during examination of a supply chain. (Contact: Ken Zarker/360-407-6724)
To learn more about EPA’s pollution prevention grants: https://www.epa.gov/p2/grant-