ADFG Hosting Online Sheefish Forum On Wednesday
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
(Statewide) – Is catching a sheefish in Interior Alaska on your bucket list? If so, you will definitely want to tune in for this fishing forum! The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), Division of Sport Fish, will be hosting an online fishing forum titled, “Fishing for Yukon River Sheefish” on the Alaska Department of Fish and Game YouTube channel.
This 10-minute fishing forum will cover information about sheefish biology and ecology, fishing techniques, and good spots to target them in the Yukon River. It will be available on YouTube on Wednesday, April 14, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. ADF&G staff will be available to answer any questions in real-time on the YouTube chat from 7:00-7:10 p.m. and will be available to reply to questions in the comments until 7:30 p.m.
The presentation will then remain on the ADF&G YouTube channel and can be viewed any time after the premiere.
For more information on fishing forums, please contact the forum organizer Molly McCarthy-Cunfer at (907) 444-6030. For more information about fishing for sheefish in Interior Alaska, please contact Fairbanks fishery biologist Lisa Stuby at (907) 459-7202.