ADFG Calls For Early Closure Of Mulchatna Caribou Hunt
Amid plummeting animal numbers, Alaska calls early end to Mulchatna caribou hunting https://t.co/DRPgF95X1n pic.twitter.com/vWi5nwlcnv
— CBC North (@CBCNorth) January 29, 2020
Here’s more from Alaska Public Media and KYUK:
In August, the state reduced the bag limit from two caribou to one caribou. Federal managers followed suit for federal lands, and restricted harvests to bulls in western game units. In December, federal managers closed the hunt entirely in their jurisdiction. At that point, the state still wanted to gather input from subsistence users and kept its hunt open. Since then, ADF&G has talked with many of those users and received support from the Board of Game to close the hunt. The goal is to increase the herd’s population.
“If we harvest too many bulls, or too many animals in general, there won’t be any growth in the herd, any minimal growth in the herd,” said Todd Rinaldi, ADF&G Regional Management Coordinator for the Division of Wildlife Conservation for Central Southwest Alaska.