33,000 Large Late-Run Kings Projected For Kenai River
The following press release is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
The 2017 Kenai River late-run king salmon preseason projection is for 33,000 large (> 34 inches) king salmon. This projection falls above the sustainable escapement goal (SEG) of 13,500 to 27,000 large king salmon. Beginning July 1, 2017, management of Kenai River king salmon is directed by the Kenai River Late-Run King Salmon Management Plan and sport fishing regulations will be as followed:
Kenai River king salmon sport angling regulations for July 1, 2017, through July 31, 2017, in Kenai River waters below Skilak Lake are as followed:
- Below the Slikok Creek markers, only single hooks are allowed, bait is allowed, and any size fish may be harvested.
- Above the Slikok Creek markers, only single hooks are allowed, bait is NOT allowed, and only fish less than 36 inches may be harvested.
- The bag and possession limit for king salmon 20 inches or greater in length is one king salmon below Skilak Lake.
- There is a five fish annual limit for king salmon over 20 inches from all Cook Inlet Drainage waters in combination, which includes only two fish per year over 20 inches can come from the Kenai River. All harvested fish that count towards an annual limit must be recorded on a harvest record, or the back of your license.
- The bag and possession limit for king salmon less than 20 inches (jacks), is ten fish.
Regardless of projected run size during the early- or late-king salmon runs, possible liberalizations to the king salmon sport fishery through July 31, 2017, can only occur below Slikok Creek (5 AAC 57.160).