Board Of Fisheries 2024-25 Proposal Book Accessible Online
The following press release is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Board of Fisheries:

Alaska Board of Fisheries Announces the Online Availability of the Proposal Book for the 2024–2025 Meeting Cycle
The Alaska Board of Fisheries (board) announces its 2024–2025 Proposal Book is now available online. The board accepted 311 proposals for review during its Prince William Sound finfish/shellfish, Southeast/Yakutat finfish/shellfish, and Statewide Shellfish regulatory meetings. Proposals have been submitted by members of the public, local fish and game advisory committees, organizations, and the Department of Fish and Game. The full proposal book can be downloaded from the board’s website at https://boardoffisheries.adfg.alaska.gov.
Proposals will be reviewed at the following 2024–2025 regulatory meetings:
Prince William Sound and Upper Copper/Upper Susitna Rivers
Finfish and Shellfish (except shrimp)
December 10–16, 2024
The Cordova Center, Cordova, Alaska
Southeast and Yakutat Finfish and Shellfish
January 28–February 9
Ted Ferry Convention Center, Ketchikan, Alaska
Statewide Shellfish (including PWS shrimp)
March 11–16, 2025
Egan Convention Center, Anchorage, Alaska
For more information on these proposed changes and regulatory meetings, contact the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Boards Support Section, P.O. Box 115526, Juneau, AK 99811-5526, (907) 465-4110.