Idaho Hunter Makes Shocking Discovery: Remains Of Man Missing For 50-Plus Years

Crazy story out of Idaho, where one modern hunter discovered another, the latter who happened to be missing almost 53 years ago to the day. Here’s more from CBS News:

Raymond Jones was 39 years old when he was last seen on Sept. 7, 1968, while bow hunting for mountain goats in central Idaho’s Lemhi County, reported. Searches were unsuccessful, and Jones’ remains went unfound until Friday, when another bow hunter stumbled across them. The hunter called the Lemhi County Sheriff’s Office to report the discovery. He was in the same area where Jones had disappeared half a century ago.

“The hunter was seeking a shortcut from one hunting area to another when he found human remains and then contacted the sheriff’s office,” said Sheriff Steve Penner. “Due to the lack of remaining daylight and ruggedness of the terrain, recovery efforts began on the morning of the 18.”

Sheriff’s deputies found part of Jones’ wallet, with his identification still inside. Jones’ family members are still alive and have been contacted, Penner said.