Deadline For Board Of Fisheries Proposal Is Friday

The following is courtesy of the Alaska Board of Fisheries:

For Immediate Release: August 26, 2024                             

Agenda Change Requests for Alaska Board of Fisheries 2024/2025 Meeting Cycle due by August 30, 2024

Agenda Change Requests to be reviewed at October 2024 Work Session

The Alaska Board of Fisheries (board) announces the approaching deadline for submissions of 2024/2025 meeting cycle agenda change requests (ACRs). ACRs are submitted by the public, advisory committees, and agencies for proposals on regulatory areas and species not set for deliberation in the current meeting cycle.

At its October 29-30, 2024 Work Session in Anchorage at the Egan Convention Center, 555 West 5thAvenue, the board will review ACRs for possible scheduling in the 2024/2025 meeting cycle. In order for the board to approve and schedule an ACR for later in the meeting cycle, the ACR must meet one of the following criteria as established in 5 AAC 39.999.

  • For a fishery conservation purpose or reason.
  • To correct an error in a regulation.
  • To correct an effect on a fishery that was unforeseen when a regulation was adopted.
  • In addition to the above criteria, the board will not accept an agenda change request that is predominantly allocative in nature in the absence of new information found by the board to be compelling.

The deadline for ACRs is no later than August 30, 2024. Please note that ACRs received regarding “in- cycle” subjects (Prince William Sound and Upper Copper/Upper Susitna finfish and shellfish, Southeast Alaska finfish and shellfish, and all other shellfish statewide) will not be accepted as they are effectively proposals that missed the April 2024 deadline. A postmark is NOT sufficient for timely receipt. ACRs may be submitted online, by mail, or by fax at:


Mail:               ADF&G, Boards Support Section

                       P.O. Box 115526

                      Juneau, AK 99811-5526

Fax:               (907) 465-6094