The 2025 season pot limit per person and per vessel has been reduced to two pots and the season has been reduced to May 1 – July 31 for all of the Prince William Sound Management Area. The noncommercial shrimp pot...
"The sights and sounds around town are also like no other. From the hungry seals awaiting a free meal from the cleaning tables at the hatchery, to that enormous chunk of ice in the mountains outside of town, Juneau checks a...
King salmon in the Yukon River drainage continue to experience historically low productivity for both Canadian and Alaska stocks. Approximately 40-50% of Yukon River king salmon spawn in Canada and these fish are managed through the Yukon River Salmon Agreement, which requires a...
The Kuskokwim River Salmon Management Plan (5 AAC 07.365) allows for sport and commercial harvest opportunity on surplus king salmon in excess of escapement and subsistence needs after June 11. Indications are that the 2025 Kuskokwim River king salmon run will be similar...
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game: Tanana River Drainage King Salmon Sport Fishery Closed (Fairbanks) – Due to a preseason forecast for a below-average Yukon River king salmon run, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game...
This respect extends beyond her role as a fisherman. Murphy’s connection to her surroundings is deeply personal. “Being on the front lines, observing the natural world day in and day out, makes us conservationists in a way few others can be,”...
“While the blanket rule is certainly easier for bureaucrats to administer, it doesn’t work for species like the gray wolf, greater sage grouse, and Arctic grayling,” said Jonathan Wood, PERC’s Vice President of Law and Policy. “Given the challenges of recovering America’s
imperiled wildlife,...