Frank Entsminger, man of the outdoors, started his career as a taxidermist in high school. As a photographer, naturalist and hunting guide, his career has led him to become one of Alaska’s renowned wildlife bronze artists. Born and raised in Montana,...
By this time next year, construction should be well under way on a new 100,000-square-foot Cabela’s store in Anchorage, the first in Alaska and most northerly outlet for the Nebraska-based company. The announcement was made today in a press release. The...
You have through this weekend to comment on an assessment of Alaska’s wild, salmon-rich Bristol Bay that says the watershed could be harmed by mines such as the proposed gash in the earth known as Pebble. Sorry, a little bit biased...
No, you are not looking at the skull of some prehistoric species of alligator that once slithered through the swamps of Alaska when it was at a more southerly, tropical locale. Or a baby dragon. Nor is it the snout of...
The report concludes that there is potential for certain activities associated with large-scale mining to have adverse impacts on the productivity and sustainability of the salmon fishery in the watershed. Potential impacts could include loss of habitat used for salmon spawning...
Lessons on picking Alaska guides from someone left for a week in the wild by ‘an unscrupulous pilot.’ QUESTIONS TO ASK, THINGS TO CONSIDER By Tom Reale Even if you’ve got friends or relatives living in Alaska, and even if they’re...
The 2011 salmon sportfishing season was the usual mixed bag of ups, downs, missed predictions, surprises for biologists, and just general chaos. However, there were more than a few bright spots in the season, and very few total washouts.
In Southeast, salmon...