Board Of Game Announces Proposed Regulation Change Topics

The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Board of Game:


Notice is given that the Alaska Board of Game proposes to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations in Title 5 of the Alaska Administrative Code dealing with the use or taking of game in the areas designated below, including the following regulations:

1.      Regulatory topics scheduled for the Central and Southwest Region meeting, January 10-17, 2025.

For Game Management Units 9, 10, 11, 13, 14A, 14B, 16 and 17:

A.     TRAPPING SEASONS AND BAG LIMITS for furbearers including: Beaver, fox, coyote, wolf, and wolverine.

B.     HUNTING SEASONS AND BAG LIMITS for all species including: Moose, caribou, black bear, brown bear, Dall sheep, goat, wolf, and wolverine; small game including Alaska hare, beaver, Emperor geese, and ptarmigan; and fur animals including fox. In addition, the potential for identifying general, Tier I or Tier II hunting for each population, the reauthorization of antlerless moose hunts, and amending the definition of deleterious exotic wildlife to include feral reindeer in a portion of Unit 10 as it applies to caribou hunting. (Note: Any changes made to the Mulchatna caribou hunts may also apply to Units 18 and 19.)

C.     LICENSES, HARVEST TICKETS, HARVEST REPORTS, TAGS, FEES, AND PERMITS including: Discretionary and required permit hunting and trapping conditions and procedures;  permits for hunting black and brown bear with the use of bait or scent lures; community subsistence harvest hunt areas and permit conditions including salvage requirements and restrictions for Unit 13   permit holders to hunt moose in other locations of the state; priority for subsistence hunting under Tier II permits; and brown bear tag fee exemptions.

D.     METHODS AND MEANS FOR TAKING BIG GAME, SMALL GAME, FUR ANIMALS, AND FURBEARERS, including: Lawful methods of taking game including the use of cellular cameras for taking bear over bait, and  the same day airborne take of bear and wolves; and lawful methods of taking furbearers and fur animals including requirements for trap identification, time periods for checking traps, trapping near trails, and taking beaver with the use of firearms.
E.     POSSESSION, TRANSPORTATION, AND USE OF GAME including: Sealing requirements for beaver.

F.    RESTRICTED AREAS including: Creating a new management area around MacColl Ridge in Unit 11 and access to the Walrus Island State Game Sanctuary for hunting.

including: Big game prey population and harvest objectives for moose in Units 13B, 13C, 13E, and 17B, and the Mulchatna caribou herd. Additionally, predation control area implementation plans including the Unit 13 program for moose to include Nelchina caribou and reduce the minimum wolf population; allowing the department to remove wolves and bears as part of the Unit 16 program; and allowing the same day airborne take of wolves for the Unit 16 program.

H.     CUSTOMARY AND TRADITIONAL USES OF GAME POPULATIONS AND AMOUNTS REASONABLY NECESSARY FOR SUBSISTENCE: The board may make changes to the hunting and trapping regulations as may be required to ensure the subsistence priority in AS 16.05.258 including reexamining customary and traditional use findings and determinations for amounts reasonably necessary for subsistence uses.

2.    Regulatory topics scheduled for the Statewide Regulations meeting, March 21 – 28, 2025.

5 AAC Chapter 92, Statewide Provisions and 98.005 – Areas of Jurisdiction for Antlerless Moose Seasons:

A.     METHODS AND MEANS FOR TAKING BIG GAME, GAME, FUR ANIMALS, AND FURBEARERS, including: Lawful methods of taking big game and game including restrictions on the use of boats for hunting waterfowl, aircraft for hunting sheep, snowmachines for hunting wolves and wolverine; and requirements for minimum sized centerfire rifle cartridges for hunting moose. Additionally, lawful methods of taking furbearers and fur animals including with the use of electronically enhanced night vision, forward-looking infrared devices, thermal optic devices, and snow machines; and requiring identification tags on traps and snares.

B.   PERMITS, PERMIT HUNT CONDITIONS, AND PROCEDURES including: Discretionary and required hunting permit conditions and procedures; modifications to the drawing permit award process including the use of a permit point system; limitations for musk ox and bison permits; special provisions for drawing hunts for sheep, and moose; permit allocation for residents and nonresidents; permits for hunting bear with the use of bait or scent lures including the definitions of “permanent dwelling” and “developed recreational facility”; and permits for the take and use of wood bison for cultural purposes.   

C.     POSSESSION, TRANSPORTATION, AND USE OF GAME including: Sealing of horns and antlers; evidence of sex and identify requirements for big game; purchase and sale of game; permits for selling skins, skulls, and trophies; transfer of possession of game meat and parts; permits for possessing live game including Eurasian Eagle-Owl; and the release of sterilized feral or stray cats to the wild. Also, delegation of authority from the board to the commissioner to regulate possessing live game.

D.     LICENSES, HARVEST TICKETS, HARVEST REPORTS, TAGS, AND FEES including: Mandatory harvest reporting of sea ducks; locking tag requirements for subsistence musk ox hunts; and taking of game by proxy including bison and allowing remuneration for proxy hunters.

E.     INTENSIVE MANAGEMENT AND PREDATOR CONTROL IMPLEMENTATION PLANS including: Identifying sheep as a species important for high levels of human consumptive use, and implementation of intensive management plans.

F.      REGULATORY DEFINITIONS including: “Migratory bird hunting guide services,” “person” as it applies to migratory bird hunting guide services, “feral” and “full-curl”.

G.     GAME MANAGEMENT UNITS AND MANAGEMENT AREAS including: Changes to boundaries for Units 21E, 21D, 25C, 25D and 15C.

H.     GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS including: Hunter education and orientation requirements for hunting goat, sheep and moose; and areas of jurisdiction for advisory committee approval of antlerless moose seasons. 

I.        DALL SHEEP HUNTING IN UNIT 19C including: Seasons and bag limits; permit allocation for residents and nonresidents; establishing an archery hunt; and establishing a pilot program for the guide concession area. (See the additional Proposals 190 and 192, which were approved as agenda change requests.)

J.       CUSTOMARY AND TRADITIONAL USES OF GAME POPULATIONS AND AMOUNTS REASONABLY NECESSARY FOR SUBSISTENCE: The board may make changes to the hunting and trapping regulations as may be required to ensure the subsistence priority in AS 16.05.258 including reexamining customary and traditional use findings and determinations for amounts reasonably necessary for subsistence uses.

K.    ADDITIONAL TOPICS: In addition to items described above for the Statewide Regulation Meeting, the Board of Game will address the following topics for other units which were approved through the agenda change request process, or in the case of antlerless moose hunts and brown bear tag fees, must be authorized annually: Annual reauthorization of antlerless moose hunts and brown bear tag fee exemptions for all units statewide excluding Units in the Central & Southwest Region; permits for hunting Delta bison in Unit 20 (Proposals 188 and 189); and defining the terminus of the Nine Mile trail in the Ladue River Controlled Use Area (Proposal 191). Also, proposals scheduled for the Central and Southwest Region meeting in January 2025, may be deferred by the board to the March 2025 meeting for final action.

The board will also take action on non-regulatory items during each meeting such as resolutions, findings, letters, and delegations. Miscellaneous actions occur typically at the end of the meeting under miscellaneous business, but action may occur earlier in the meeting.

The proposed regulation changes are available on the Board of Game meeting information websites at or from ADF&G Boards Support Section at (907) 465-4110. Additional information will be added to the meeting websites as it becomes available for each meeting.

Anyone interested in, or affected by the subject matter contained in this legal notice should make written or oral comments to have their views considered by the board. You may comment on the proposed regulations including the potential costs to private persons of complying with the proposed changes by submitting written comments, by submitting written comments by the announced deadlines listed below, limited to no more than 100 single sided or 50 double sided pages.

Written comments can be submitted to the Board of Game online at; by fax to (907) 465-6094; or mailed to the Alaska Board of Game, ADF&G Boards Support Section at P.O. Box 115526, Juneau, AK 99811-5526. Comments must include a first and last name, community of residence, and the proposal numbers for which the comments pertain.Comments without this information will not be part of the board meeting workbook, indexed, or cross referenced with proposals, but they will be compiled and posted on the meeting information website. Written comments that are submitted are public records and are subject to public inspection.

The deadlines for receiving comments are December 27, 2024, for the Central and Southwest Region meeting, and March 7, 2025 for the Statewide Regulations meeting. Once meetings begin, comments will be accepted as record copies, online at, submission, by hand delivery at the meeting, or via fax to 907-465-6094. Comments submitted during the meetings are limited to ten single-sided or five double-sided pages in length from any one individual or group.

As a practical matter, comments submitted after the deadlines are likely to receive less consideration than comments submitted earlier. Additionally, groups of people submitting numerous, form-like comments containing similar language during the meeting is not advisable, and Boards Support staff will be unable to process and distribute the comments to the board during the meeting.  These types of comments will be grouped together or summarized for the board in a single submission.

The Board of Game shall consider all factual, substantive, and relevant comments in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act, Alaska Statute 44.62.210. Comments having disparaging statements or personal attacks will be withheld or redacted.

The public hearing portion of the meetings is scheduled at the beginning of each meeting following staff reports and will continue until everyone who has signed up and is present when called has been given the opportunity to be heard. However, state advisory committee representatives and federal regional advisory council representatives may elect to provide testimony at a later portion of the meetings. Additional public hearings may be held throughout the meetings just before consideration and adoption of proposed changes in the regulations. The board will take oral testimony only from those who register before the cut-off time announced by the board chair at the meeting. The length of oral statements may be limited to three to five minutes, or less for the public and 10 to 15 minutes or less for fish and game advisory committee and regional advisory council representatives. Everyone interested in, or affected by, the subject matter contained in this legal notice should provide written or oral comments if they wish to have their views considered by the board.


Central & Southwest Region Meeting

January 10 – 17, 2025

Best Western Lake Lucille Inn

1800 W. Lake Lucille Drive

Wasilla, Alaska

Statewide Regulations Region Meeting

March 21-28, 2025

Anchorage Egan and Convention Center

555 West 5th Avenue

Anchorage, Alaska

Any changes to meeting location, dates, or times, or rescheduling of topics or subject matter will be announced by news release and posted on the board’s website. Please watch for these announcements or call (907) 465-6098. Please carefully review the PROPOSAL INDEX and the additional proposal listing on the above-mentioned websites for all specific proposal issues to be addressed by the board.

Anyone interested in or affected by subsistence and general hunting or trapping regulations is hereby informed that, by publishing this legal notice the Board of Game may consider any or all of the subject areas covered by this notice. THE BOARD IS NOT LIMITED BY THE SPECIFIC LANGUAGE OR CONFINES OF THE ACTUAL PROPOSALS THAT HAVE BEEN SUBMITTED BY THE PUBLIC OR ADF&G. Pursuant to AS 44.62.200, the board may review the full range of activities appropriate to any of the subjects listed in this notice. After the public hearings, the Board of Game may adopt these or other provisions dealing with the same subject, without further notice, or amend, reject, supplement, or decide to take no action on them. The language of the final regulations may be different from that of the proposed regulations. YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO COMMENT DURING THE TIME ALLOWED IF YOUR INTERESTS COULD BE AFFECTED.

If you are a person with a disability who may need special accommodations in order to participate in this process, please contact ADF&G, Boards Support Section at (907) 465-6098 no later than two weeks prior to the beginning of each meeting to ensure that any necessary accommodations can be provided.

The ADF&G, Boards Support Section keeps a list of individuals and organizations interested in receiving emails for regulatory changes and board activities. Those on the list will automatically be emailed a copy of all of the board’s notices of proposed regulation changes. To be added to the list, visit the website at or contact ADF&G Boards Support Section at (907) 465-4110.

Individuals can also signup to receive automated notifications of all State of Alaska notices, including public notice for regulation changes, by subscribing to the Alaska Online Public Notices System here:

Statutory Authority: AS 16.05, AS 16.30.

Statutes Being Implemented, Interpreted, or Made Specific: AS 16.05.255; AS 16.05.256; AS 16.05.258; 16.05.262; 16.05.270; AS 16.05.330; AS 16.05.340; AS 16.05.346; AS 16.05.405; AS 16.05.407; AS 16.05.780; AS 16.05.783, and AS 16.30.010 – .030. 

Fiscal Information: The proposed regulation changes are not expected to require an increased appropriation.

Date: December 4, 2024,                                                                   /S/                                       

Kristy Tibbles, Executive Director

Alaska Board of Game



(AS 44.62.190(g))

1.     Adopting agency: Alaska Board of Game

2.     General subject of regulation: Hunting and trapping regulations for the Central and Southwest Region, Statewide regulatory provisions, and other miscellaneous provisions.

3.     Citation of regulations: 5 AAC 84, 85, 92, 98, and 99

4.     Department of Law file numbers (if any):

5.     Reason for the proposed action: 

( ) compliance with federal law

( ) compliance with new or changed state statute

( ) compliance with court order

( ) development of program standards

(X) Other: Regularly scheduled topics and other miscellaneous provisions for the Board of Game Central & Southwest Region and Statewide Regulatory Provisions. Implement, interpret, or make specific the provisions of AS 16.05-16.30.

6.     Appropriation/Allocation: Natural Resources and all RDUs; OMB Component Number 2048.

7.     Cost of implementation to the state agency and available funding: It is not possible to estimate costs. However, this action is not expected to require an increased appropriation.

8.     The name of the contact person for the regulations:                       

Name:                          Kristy Tibbles

Title:                            Executive Director, Board Game

Address:                      Boards Support Section

                                    Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game PO Box 115526

                                    Juneau, AK 99811-5526

Telephone:                  (907) 465-6098


9.       The origin of the proposed action:

X       staff of state agency

X       federal government

X       general public

10.   Date: December 4, 2024,        Prepared by:                                        /S/                                       

Kristy Tibbles, Executive Director

Alaska Board of Game
