Kodiak Area Fall Fishing Update
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
Fall Fishing Report
Freshwater Fishing
- Coho runs as of the last week in September continue to be strong on the Road System with Buskin and Pasagshak gaining the most attention. Both rivers have a bag limit of 2 silvers per day through the end of the year. Bright fish typically continue to come in through the second week of October but fish will be around through early November.
- Pillar and Monashka creeks are also having strong returns of silvers and bag limits here and Mill Bay and Mission Beach are 2 per day as well as these are stocked runs. Pillar Creek usually has the best late-season fishing that can continue until at least mid-October.
- Other bright spots for silver fishing are Saltery, Miam, and the Olds river, with great fishing, reported at each of these spots. Remember that the bag limit for these rivers and the remainder of the Road System is 1 silver per day through the end of the year.
- Dolly fishing has been great, particularly in the Buskin, near the lake outlet. Fishing for dollies should be good until they near spawning later in October after which they tend to be less aggressively feeding.
Saltwater Fishing
- Few reports of king salmon fishing have come in lately, but kings should still be around this fall. Effort typically shifts to the Buoy 4 area this time of year, but the latest hot spots are worth a try, namely between Woody and Long islands.
- Halibut fishing continues to be good when the weather cooperates with good success reported near Buoy 4 and in Whale Pass.
- Lingcod are continuing to be caught on most rock piles in Chiniak Bay. Don’t forget to use a deepwater release for any rockfish incidentally caught while fishing for lingcod.
Local Lakes
- Buskin Lake has been the latest spot for rainbow trout fishing. This is a catch and release only lake, but fall is often the best time to catch rainbows. Look for rainbows underneath and behind spawning salmon and near tributary creeks that may have dead eggs washing out of them. Many of the stocked lakes offer great fishing in the fall too. Rainbows often continue to be aggressive feeders well into October and sometimes November until we get a hard freeze.
Emergency Orders
- Please review the Emergency Orders and Advisory Announcements below in their entirety before heading out on your next fishing trip.
- Emergency Order 2-SS-4-60-21 increases the bag limit for coho salmon in the Pasagshak River Drainage to 2 through Friday, December 31, 2021.
- Emergency Order 2-SS-4-59-21 increases the bag limit for coho salmon in the Buskin River to 2 through Friday, December 31, 2021.
- Emergency Order 2-RF-4-11-21 reduced the nonresiden rockfish bag and possession limits on the eastside of Afognak and Kodiak islands from Big Fort Island near Shuyak Island to Dangerous Cape on Kodiak Island through 11:59 pm. Friday, December 31, 2021.
Don’t forget to purchase your 2021 sport fishing license and king stamp! Help maximize social distancing and purchase your 2021 sport fishing license and king stamp through the ADF&G online store and print it off from the comfort of your own home. Also, make sure to review Emergency Orders and the 2021 Southwest Sport Fishing Regulations Summary booklet for the area you are fishing in before you head out.
For additional information, please contact the ADF&G Kodiak Area Office at (907) 486-1880.