the Alaska Department of Fish and Game is increasing the coho salmon bag limit for the Pasagshak River drainage to two per day and in possession through the end of the year. ...
His latest project honors the caribou, an animal that to a segment of Last Frontier residents represents a spiritual and physical connection between man and animal. Kanter’s appreciation for the caribou, which he calls an “amazing animal” (see sidebar interview), is...
From May to September 2021, partners reported dead and dying seabirds from the Bering Strait region, Aleutian Islands, and the Gulf of Alaska. The main species reported from the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands were shearwaters, but also included kittiwakes, murres, and puffins. A...
Fishing Is open to all anglers again as of September 1. Marine fishing effort has dropped to only a fraction of the effort seen during the peak season but king catch rates (while substantially lower than during the peak summer months)...
Alaska Department of Fish and Game Division of Sport Fish, will be hosting an online fishing forum titled, “A Survey of Sport Fisheries in Interior and Northern Alaska” on the Alaska Department of Fish and Game YouTube channel....