Wildlife Troopers Say Anchorage Man Killed Moose In Different Unit Than His Permit

An Anchorage man was accused of taking a moose in the wrong game management unit.

Here’s the Alaska Wildlife Troopers dispatch on the incident:


Location: GMU 16A Kahiltna River 

Type: Poached Moose

Dispatch Text:

On 1/9/2025 an investigation of a poached moose, in GMU16A, was initiated by AWT after receiving a tip, from an area resource user, about a fresh moose carcass. Investigation revealed 69-year-old Anchorage resident, Kevin Norton, to have killed the bull moose within the western portion of GMU16A and east of the Kahiltna River. It was further revealed that Kevin reported harvesting the bull under his, GMU16B Tier II moose, TM565 permit. Additionally, Kevin failed to destroy the trophy value (48” antler spread in a 2X2 brow tine configuration) of the animal – a required condition of the TM565 permit.

On 1/30/2025, Kevin Norton was charged with Take Moose Closed Season/Area, Unlawful Transport and Possession of Game, and Failure to Destroy Trophy Value. Arraignment is set for 2/19/2025 through the Palmer Court.

Posted on 1/31/2025 7:00:07 AM by DPS\jrreid