Susitna, Little Susitna River Coho Regulation Restrictions

The following press releases are courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

Susitna River Coho Limits Reduced to One Fish and Bait Prohibited

(Palmer) – Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is reducing the bag limit for coho salmon to one fish in all waters of the Susitna River drainage effective 12:01 a.m. Tuesday, August 6 through 11:59 p.m. Monday, September 30, 2024. The waters of Alexander Creek, Unit 2 (Parks Highway streams), Unit 3 (upper Susitna north of Talkeetna), Unit 5 (Talkeetna River), and Unit 6 (Chulitna River) of the Susitna River drainage are restricted to three salmon per day and in possession, of which only one may be a coho salmon. Waters of Unit 1 (includes Deshka River and excludes Alexander Creek) and Unit 4 (Yentna River) of the Susitna River drainage are restricted to three salmon per day and six in possession, of which only one per day, two in possession may be a coho salmon. Further, use of bait is prohibited. Only unbaited, artificial lures may be used.

“The Deshka River coho salmon sustainable escapement goal (SEG) is 10,200–24,100 fish. As of August 1, only 270 coho salmon have passed upstream of the weir with a projected escapement of 1,444 fish.” stated Palmer Area Management Biologist Samantha Oslund. “Reports by guides and anglers of poor coho salmon fishing success and low coho salmon abundance at assessment projects suggest a poor start to the run. Therefore, it is warranted to start out conservatively with the coho salmon fishery as we assess run strength.”

For additional information, please contact Area Management Biologist Samantha Oslund in Palmer at (907) 746-6300.

Bait Prohibited and Coho Salmon Bag Limit Reduced in the Little Susitna River and Jim Creek

(Palmer) – The use of bait will be prohibited in the Little Susitna River from its mouth upstream to the Parks Highway and in the Jim Creek drainage. The bag limit is reduced to one coho, effective 12:01 a.m. Tuesday, August 6, through 11:59 p.m. Monday, September 30, 2024. Only unbaited, artificial lures may be used. A person who takes a bag limit of salmon, other than king salmon, 16 inches long or longer from the Little Susitna River or Jim Creek may not fish for any species of fish in the Little Susitna River downstream of the Parks Highway or Jim Creek drainage that same day. These restrictions do not include the Eklutna Tailrace fishery.

“The Little Susitna River coho salmon sustainable escapement goal (SEG) is 9,200 – 17,700 fish. While still early in the run, projections of escapement are trending down and the SEG may not be achieved.” stated Area Management Biologist Samantha Oslund. “As of August 1, an estimated 585 coho salmon had passed upstream of the Little Susitna River weir with an on time escapement projection of 5,291 fish. Coho salmon counts at the Jim Creek weir are also below average. At this time, it is justified to reduce catch efficiency of coho salmon at the Little Susitna River and Jim Creek in order to reduce mortality of coho salmon until it can be determined the run size is sufficient to support additional harvest.”

The department will continue to monitor the Little Susitna River and Jim Creek coho salmon runs as they develop. If run strength improves to a level that can support a larger harvest, restrictions to the sport fishery may be rescinded. However, additional restrictions are possible if the run does not improve.

For more information, contact Samantha Oslund at (907) 746-6300.