Save Bristol Bay Pleads For Opponents Of Pebble Mine To Speak Up
The following is courtesy of Save Bristol Bay:
Hi Friends:
Pebble Mine is in its public DEIS hearings and we are, right now, in the toughest round of the Pebble Fight yet. We are reaching out to ask you two things: tell the Army Corps to put this permit application in the trash where it belongs, and chip in a few bucks to keep the fight against Pebble Mine going.
In a nutshell, there are several Pebble-sized problems with this permitting process.
First, the Army Corps does not even come close to analyzing all the potential impacts of large scale mining in the headwaters of Bristol Bay and completely ignores the intent of future expansion. The Corps refused to take this hard look at potential future actions despite the repeated public boasts by Pebble’s executives of 100 years worth of mining and billions more tons of ore than described in the DEIS.
The Corps also failed to analyze what would happen if there was a catastrophic failure of one of the mine waste containment dams. Luckily, we did:
And last, but not least, the Corps failed to require a ground floor study of the economic feasibility for the proposal analyzed in the draft. This is unusual and smacks of collusion between mine permitter and mine permittee.
For all these reasons and many, many more that are being analyzed by our top notch multi-disciplinary team of scientific and technical experts, we are asking you to show up, stand up, support our work and say: “No!” one more time.
We don’t have to tolerate this. We still have close to two months left in the public comment period, and you should make your voice heard to the Army Corps. And if you can spare $15, it goes a long way to keep us in the fight. Right now we are organizing Alaskans to show up and rally against this mine at the DEIS hearings in Anchorage, Bristol Bay, and Homer. There’s a lot of really important work to be done, and we hope you’ll help us do it.
-Save Bristol Bay