Saltwater Sportfishing Will Close In Bear Cove

The following press release is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:

Coho salmon returning to Medvejie Hatchery are not expected to meet broodstock goals in 2017. To date, no coho salmon have been collected for broodstock while 3,000 are needed. This closure is necessary to provide sufficient numbers of coho salmon to meet broodstock needs.

Beginning Wednesday, September 20, 2017 the saltwater area of Bear Cove near Medvejie Hatchery is closed to sport fishing. The closure includes all waters of Bear Cove east of a line from a point on the Baranof Island shoreline at 57°00.63′ N. latitude, 135°09.80′ W. longitude to 57°01.07′ N. latitude, 135°09.93′ W. longitude; (see below map).