Saltery Cove Drainage Sockeye Limits Increased
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game:
Saltery Cove Drainage Sockeye Salmon Limits Increased
(Kodiak) – In support of increasing harvest opportunities, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) is increasing the bag and possession limits for salmon to 10 fish in the Saltery Cove drainage all of which can be sockeye salmon but only 5 may be chum and pink salmon, and two can be coho salmon, 20 inches or greater in length. Anglers may not harvest more than 10 salmon per day or possess more than 10 total salmon, all species combined. This regulatory change is effective 12:01 a.m. Thursday, July 11 through 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, December 31, 2024.
Through July 7, a total of 6,115 sockeye salmon have passed the Saltery River weir. The escapement goal for sockeye salmon into Saltery Lake is 15,000 to 35,000 fish and typically 13% of the run has occurred by this date. Based on the current weir counts and recent history of this run, it is projected that the run will exceed the escapement goal.
“Sockeye salmon have been coming in good numbers at Saltery Cove and weir counts are above the 10-year average. The run has exceeded the escapement goal most of the time in recent history and is currently expected to exceed the goal this season,” stated Area Management Biologist Tyler Polum. “Increasing the bag limit to 10 sockeye salmon per day will provide anglers additional harvest opportunity.”
For additional information, please contact Area Management Biologist Tyler Polum at
(907) 486-1880.