Board Of Game Seeking Proposal Changes For Western, Interior, Other Hunting Regions
The following is courtesy of the Alaska Board of Game:
The Alaska Board of Game calls for proposed changes to hunting and trapping regulations for the following Regions:
- Western Arctic / Western Region – (GMUs 18, 22, 23, and 26A)
- Interior and Eastern Arctic Region (GMUs 12, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26B, and 26C)
PROPOSAL DEADLINE: Monday, May 1, 2023
The Alaska Board of Game is accepting proposed changes to hunting and trapping regulations for the Interior, Arctic, & Western areas of Alaska which covers Game Management Units 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26. The Call for Proposals includes the following topics:
Hunting seasons and bag limits, including subsistence and general hunts for all species; trapping seasons and bag limits; big game prey populations and objectives for intensive management; predation control areas implementation plans; restricted areas including controlled use areas, management areas, closed areas, and closures in state game refuges.
Proposed changes to 5 AAC Chapter 92, Statewide Provisions specific to the GMUs in these regionswill also be accepted, excluding changes to Game Management Unit Boundaries. This includes regulations under the categories of general provisions, permits, permit conditions and provisions, methods and means, possession and transportation, and the use of game.
The following topics will be considered for all Game Management Units:
- Brown Bear Tag Fee Exemptions
- Reauthorization of Antlerless Moose Hunts (State statute requires all antlerless moose hunts be reauthorized annually.)
Proposals may be submitted by email, mail, fax, or online:
Mail: ADF&G, Boards Support Section
P.O. Box 115526 Juneau, AK 99811-5526
Fax: (907) 465-6094
Proposals must be received by May 1, 2023, at the Boards Support Section office in Juneau. (A postmark is NOT sufficient for timely receipt).
You are encouraged to submit proposals at the earliest possible date on Board of Game proposal forms available from the Boards Support Section regional offices and on the website at: All proposals must contain an individual’s name and an organizational name if appropriate, contact telephone number, and address. Regional proposals must specify the applicable region or game management unit.
Providing clarity on the proposal form helps the board, advisory committees, and the public more fully understand the proposed regulatory changes. Proposals that are incomplete or unclear may be omitted from the proposal book. You are encouraged to contact the Boards Support Section staff if you have questions or need assistance with completing the proposal form. Proposals published in the proposal book will be formatted, referenced with the appropriate Alaska Administrative Code citation, and include a brief description of the action requested. Proposals with emotionally charged language will be rejected or redacted as they detract from the substance of the proposals, may draw opposition not germane to the element(s) of the proposal, and may elicit nonresponsive charges from the public/board members. Proposals not meeting this call or submitted late will not be published.
Proposal books will be available to the advisory committees, agencies, and the public at for review and comment.
Proposals received per the above “Call for Proposals” deadline will be considered by the Board of Game at their Western Arctic / Western Region meeting scheduled for January 26-29, 2024 and the Interior and Eastern Arctic Region Meeting scheduled for March 15-22, 2024. For more information, please contact the ADF&G Boards Support Section at (907) 465-4110, or email