ADFG Announces Agenda For Upcoming Alaska Bycatch Advisory Council Meeting

Following the major implications from the now closed Alaska pollock fishery that resulted in the incidental catch of 2,000 king salmon, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game will be holding an Alaska Bycatch Advisory Council Meeting on November 5.

Here’s the planned meeting agenda from the Board of Fisheries:

Alaska Bycatch Advisory Council Meeting Agenda

Date: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 – 9:00 AM
Join webinar on computer: Join by Phone: 253-215-8782 (note: this is not a toll-free number) Webinar ID: 876 2367 2411

  1. Call to order and acknowledgment of BAC members
  2. Approve Agenda
  3. Approve Minutes: September 3, 2024
  4. Presentations on Salmon Bycatch Research
    1. a)  Bering Sea chum salmon marine distribution and survival
      Dr. Curry Cunningham, UAF College of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences
    2. b)  Bering Sea chum salmon genetics
      Jordan Head, Bristol Bay Science and Research Institute
    3. c)  Bering Sea Chinook salmon marine distribution research Sabrina Garcia, ADF&G
    4. d)  Alaska Salmon Research Task Force report Ed Farley, NOAA
  5. Public Comment: (three minute limit)
  6. BAC discussion and motions
  7. Final BAC member comments
  8. Set next meeting date and agenda topics
  9. Adjournment