The following is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game: (Sitka) – Beginning Monday, June 1, through Sunday, June 14, 2020, the king salmon regulations in the vicinity of Hidden Falls Hatchery are as follows: In the waters (crosshatched...
The following is courtesy of Alaska Department of Fish and Game: (Juneau) – The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish announced today that sport fishing regulations for hatchery-produced king salmon will be liberalized in a designated saltwater...
Based on data from Alaska Department of Fish and Game, last year’s record run of silver salmon in Norton Sound could be just as – it not more – strong in 2020 this year. Here’s more from KNOM: Coho, chum, and...
I need to get back to Washington D.C. As fractured and divided as our country – and especially our capital city – is right now, there’s something about Washington that inspires me to learn. I’ve been to our nation’s capital city...
Today, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers announced a new preferred road and infrastructure access route for the proposed Pebble Mine, a complete reversal of previous proposals that has drawn the ire of Bristol Bay conservation and environmental groups that have...
Earlier this week the federal government announced possible hunting regulation changes that would have a big impact on Alaskan hunters on government lands. The Sportsmen’s Alliance released this statement on the pending changes: The National Park Service has announced the adoption...
Here’s more from the Anchorage Daily News on the possible changes: The moves drew alarm from conservation groups who said the new rules will support extreme measures to kill predators and their young in national preserves in Alaska. They said a...
Don’t forget that tonight is the special online screening of the salmon conservation film The Wild. Here’s more from Defend Bristol Bay: Dear Supporter, Join us TONIGHT, May 21st at 4:30pm Alaska Time for a special, one time screening of “The Wild“....