As a dog dad and lover of all things canine, I figure I’ve been reduced into a blubbering, middle-aged mess more often reading or watching stories on dog-related tragedies more than I have about humans (does that make me inhuman? I...
The following press release is courtesy of the Alaska Interagency Coordination Center: Wildfire starts are caused by campfires, debris burning, barbecue grills, use of all-terrain vehicles, fireworks, target shooting and other favorite recreational activities people enjoy. While the 2017 Alaska wildland...
The Korths– Last Alaskans When the last of their children passes, the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge will no longer be open for settlers. Until then, the Heimo and Edna Korth live with their Akita/Husky mix Kenai in the primarily frozen tundra,...
Alaska Business Opportunity Lake Louise lodge in Glennallen, AK offers: Activities for all seasons! Services: Full Service Lodge Rooms with private baths/Rustic cabins Full restaurant/lounge Gas/propane Showers/Ice For sale by owner. “Lake Louise Lodge – A truly Alaskan log lodge within...
The following press release is courtesy of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game: Homer – Two youth-only sport fisheries are scheduled in June. The first will be held on Saturday, June 3, from 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. at the...